two free audio books at amazon

Currently i know there are lots of things in this world that are free. 1 is a smile. 2 is a hug. 3. is a small gesture to let someone know you are thinking of them. and while there is a trial membership with amazon, that you can cancel you can get two free audiobooks if you try out the membership. great for reading on the go without carrying books along. what is more peaceful than a nice shady spot on a warm spring day reading a favorite story 😉

be sure to find the link to do just that on a separate blog where it is easier for me to work. i did expand to wordpress but cannot figure out how to share a lot of things here yet. be patient with me as i am still learning. i did manage to find blogspot where i would love to cross post and also add even more there until i learn wordpress just a little bit better.

Nothing like growing and expanding, learning is always a good thing.

oh boy! what did i tell you? nothing like learning and not giving up?

i think i just found the way to add here what i was hoping to share just at the point of giving up i tried one more time. amd it worked~

Never give up Always keep trying Always work towards your goals and keep smiling for your success is everyone’s success. 🙂

click here to try it out!~ Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks



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