The History of the Major Record Companies in the UK #4 Aeolian

ive got an aeolian vocalian B 12115 copyright 1916 the song is America Never Took Water by Irving Kaufman and the other side is A 12115 I Know What It Means To Be Lonesome by Irving Kaufman. just found this page as i was attempting to find a value or info about the album. Thank you so much for posting information here! a family was selling everything out of their moms house and the records were all for sale.. i only found this one and a few other names that i thought were interesting like a few Decca records by various artists. and a columbia disc record with a german solo on it. and one (Cook Test record for frequency) also interesting. This was the most unique one of the few i purchased. most were newer records.

Sound Of The Hound

This is the fourth and final extract from a wonderful book called “The Talking Machine Industry” written by Ogilvie Mitchell in 1924. This section covers the Aeolian Company of America, a frisky new arrival on the record scene in 1924 having started to make Vocalion phonographs and records in 1917.

Ogilvie, our scribe, seems to have drunk deep from the Aeolian PR cup and this extract feels at times more like a puff piece than his earlier pieces on Pathe Freres, The Gramophone Company and The Columbia Phonograph Company. He describes Aeolian as well financed, with a superior business model and delivering top notch products. He even concludes “we feel certain that, as time goes on, they will hold one of the most exalted positions in the talking machine world.” Aeolian would sell Vocalion with the year, so exiting the record business and the Aeolian business unwinding quickly…

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Crows leave gifts for 8-year-old girl who feeds them

love this story. especially the lost item found and returned. crows i always thought were bad news due to the corn they pull up, here it appears they aren’t so bad after all. a few had been hanging around just outside my fenced yard last summer and i was a bit worried. the corn never made it either. possibly the heat more than birds. thinking this summer i just may be feeding them too. all the other birds come here and love the sprinkler on really hot days.

Brain Protein Tied to Alzheimer’s Spotted in Young Adults

as a researcher of many things i find the brain and injuries such as a simple bump on the head, slow driving car crash or any jarring or impact to the head is an injury to the brain that can have long term effects are quite complicated! the alzheimers affect is the scarring in my opinion where an injury has occurred. just my opinion! these sorts of injuries to the brain can lead to sensitivity to light, busy environments, crowds, loud noises, music, etc…people after injury can have extreme sensitivity to textures, and stress and can fatigue easily as their brain processes the same things just takes a lot more focus and work to do the same tasks with all the extra noise their brain can no longer handle which blocks thoughts they attempt to focus on. mulit tasking is not something easily achieved if at all after an injury….these symptoms are often times undiagnosed if ever diagnosed, and are considered to be called post concussive syndrome.

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